
Melancholy Dragon Hut

After looking back and re-evaluating where my drawings could go, I realized that what I''ve been drawing so far were imaginary landscapes and well...I've been imposing how I feel on these external views. Not sure how to say it but what I really want to explore now are my insides, my thoughts, emotions and spirit.

I really love doll houses and models, so I was inspired one day to 'hey, let's draw interiors!'. So this is the first of my foray inside my inside lol! Not a very happy one, then again that's how I was feeling. But it was fun to work with the depth and the surface patterning of the clouds to convey a sense of oppression. I was feeling trapped in my head and my little apartment.

I hope later drawings will be more fun with imagination types but the common theme would be exposing truths about family and relationships to me. Thank you for staying with me on my journey so far and I hope you enjoy this new phase of my travels! :D

...and I've also resolved to talk less and let my drawings do the talking! :p