
So what is this about? I have no idea :P Suddenly the creaking image of a walking restaurant shaped like a spider came into my head. And it is making Teh Tarik (literally, pulled tea) lol! There is a menu tacked onto the wall of the cafe, some of the food offered are local fare and some are just plain made-up. The spider has some funky designs, that speak of grander days but have been outfitted to serve this purpose now. Not like it minds, it is simply content with preparing the special tea for its customers!
The cafe has stopped in a glade carpeted with low mushrooms that the customers can sit on and enjoy their meal and drink. Some wear bibs to protect their suits from getting food on them. The bowls have a spiral on the as do the bibs, with 8 legs radiating from it. That is the logo of the spider Cafe. On the right is a bamboo grove, and I have not decided what to do for the background yet. Interestingly enough, there are no humans in this piece. Only a snoozing cat :P

The shape of the Spider Cafe was inspired by this cool spider here! There is such an abundance of inspiration from nature :D