
REstart - New Banner and look!

For a long while I had shifted by base of operations to my Facebook Page and Instagram. I had considered retiring this blog but never got around to doing it. I guess I have some sentimentality especially when it comes to posts documenting my creative process - it reminds me of how far I've come and how much further I can go. More than a year has passed since my last post, I've graduated with my MA, moved back to Malaysia, and am seriously building my career as a professional artist! So I'm glad I kept this blog, perhaps it may inspire some who also intend to pursue their dreams despite practical advice on how life should be lived. Somehow it is working out for me, so I'll continue to share my journey here!

So first things first, is to change the design from the clunky flipcard template to this simpler one. It looks better to me! Second is to update the banner! The previous banner was a funky neon design, which I still love but does not fit with the current theme.

Banner from 2011-2014

The new banner!

Hope you like the new design! I've managed to keep the rainbow colours but toned them down a bit. I'm beginning to use colours more and more in my art, especially watercolours!

New badges for Behance, Facebook and Society6

In addition I've also created new badges that link to my galleries on Behance, Facebook and Society6! Go to Behance for large, scrumptious views of my black and white drawings, while my Facebook is catered to my custom papercutting and illustration commissions. I've also got a few art prints for sale on Society6! Go check them out!