
The Sketchiest of Characters!

 So it all started when I got a new template for this blog and decided the old banner had to go too! So I'd set about drawing a new one and this was the result!

 To make it fit in with the dark background I inverted the colour and gave it a rainbow neon glow...gives it a trippy look, no?

 I did some other random drawings, this one was supposed to be for the background, set to tile. I think it gives a different dimension to the characters but the result when applied was too distracting. If you look closely they are all the same characters from the banner, doing their best glamour shots ;P

 Then I had the idea of drawing them capering about...I really like the big furry one with the horns and the goofiest smile - it even made it to my namecard, which you'll see in the next post!

It turned into an endless electric dance...

I wanted the dance one to be the background for the blog as well but it also turned out too busy. Oh well, I'll figure something out! Until then the default background from the template will stay. This piece however, makes for an infinitely dancing desktop wallpaper! I have it decorating my iMac and it is just luscious. Or ludicrous. Lifts my mood anytime :P Feel free to use it on your desktop too! Heheheh

A bit on the characters: the skating cat is from my blog profile pic. The tentacled dude reminds me of an Ood from Doctor Who now that I look at it again...The unhappy tapir is unhappy (except he looked quite content in the dance), the shy sheep boy is from the banner and the winged worm (try to spot him!) is from this story by Fritz Leiber called 'The Terror from the Depths". It's about this guy who had certain dreams about being a primordial creature resembling gigantic, winged worms. The story  was inspired by the Cthulhu mythos and is a great read if you are into horror :)


Timeless Realm

www.timelessrealm.com is live! Still some bumps and rough patches to smooth over these next few days, but overall I'm quite happy with the new design...especially the colours. I'm looooving the colours :D