It's been far too long since I've updated here...I was concentrating on my papercuttings, so no sketches or prints for a couple of months! But now I'm taking a break from papercutting, and I'm totally in the mood for drawings! Lots and lots of drawings. I was looking through my work from high-school and A-levels...sometimes I get so competitive with myself that it's detrimental to me. Funny isn't it? I always push myself so hard to improve and improve, but if I had not done that I would not be at the level of skill that I am now. The thing is I often neglect to keep in mind the intention of why I'm doing this in the first place.
All these processes of drawings, papercuttings, digital illustrations among others bring me such joy. When I'm caught in the artwork is when I'm totally in touch with my life and being. I've sort of forgotten and neglected this along the way, replaced it with a constant rush to create and create. I've let my art become me instead of me driving my art. I guess the warning signs came when I was rushing to produce the final artwork for
Dance of the Tempest instead of enjoying every single cut and line. Though the final piece looks reasonably good I feel that something is lacking in it. I always used to pour my emotions and feelings into each piece, a bit of my soul in every line. That is what I saw when I looked back at my old drawings. And this is what I'm going to strive to recover and bring back to my artwork again :)
Introspection over, now back to the drawing at hand! For a long while now I had a quick scribble in my sketchbook of lil' Red Riding Hood lying in the leaves face to face with the Hungry Wolf. It's just a close up of their faces. That hasn't been manifested yet, this came out instead. Not little Red Riding Hood, just a girl facing a monster. In a field of butterflies and a background of tangled roots.
And a close up of their faces.
Enjoy :)